Susanne Lundeng Trio, foto Martin Losvik

New Year, New possibilities?

We are starting a new concert and festival year, we are cautious optimists. Here is some info about concerts and thoughts on implementation.

Friday 14. January 2022

At the time of writing, the pandemic is still a big part of our everyday lives. But even though it is not easy to be a cultural organizer in a pandemic, we want to give you an offer because we believe culture is important. Culture provides good experiences and binds us humans together. We are cautiously optimistic and believe that in 2022 we will be able to carry out all our concerts in the FOLK concert series at Backes.

We do not want to cancel or postpone, as it has major consequences for many. It is not only us as concert organizers who lose ticket revenue, but musicians lose revenue, the sound people, the hotel the musicians will stay at and where they will eat. It is a large value chain that loses because we do not implement, we feel that responsibility. At the same time, we are concerned with being a professional organizer who does not contribute to the spread of infection. We want to emphasize that cultural events have not contributed to a large spread of infection in Norway.

At the beginning of January, it is allowed to have 30 people at public events, without allocated seats. So we start cautiously and hope through the winter we can increase to 50 people at Backes Bu.

We who arrange and the musicians on stage need you! So we hope that you value our work, by buying tickets and helping us keep the wheels in motion in Culture Norway. We will carry out each concert according to the current infection control rules. If you follow our recommendations, consider each other by keeping your distance, use a face mask when you can not hold the 1st meter, or stay home in case of symptoms, we can do this.

So we hope winter and spring will be replaced by a summer, almost as normal. We plan for a "regular" festival with international artists, and cross our fingers that it can be carried out. Check out our concert program and buy your tickets now.